Welcome to my Boards Webpage

I am your host, Prof. Prater

Please pass me!

1. Design and complete robotic and embedded systems solutions that address real-world situations and challenges.

Artifact 1

This artifact proves that I fulfilled this objective. This will be a paragraph describing the function of the artifact and how it meets the requirements of the objective.

This is a link to the github repo associated with artifact 1 A movie show artifact 1 in action
A youtube video for artifact 1

Artifact 2

This artifact proves that I fulfilled this objective. This will be a paragraph describing the function of the artifact and how it meets the requirements of the objective.

This is a link to the github repo associated with artifact 1 A movie show artifact 2 in action
A youtube video for artifact 2

2. Demonstrate embedded microprocessor system skills such as microcontroller selection, digital logic design, schematic creation, printed circuit board layout and construction, electromagnetic compatibility design and manufacturing design.

Artifact 1

This artifact proves that I fulfilled this objective. This will be a paragraph describing the function of the artifact and how it meets the requirements of the objective.

This is a link to the github repo associated with artifact 1 A movie show artifact 1 in action
A youtube video for artifact 1

Artifact 2

This artifact proves that I fulfilled this objective. This will be a paragraph describing the function of the artifact and how it meets the requirements of the objective.

This is a link to the github repo associated with artifact 1 A movie show artifact 2 in action
A youtube video for artifact 2

3. Develop vision and sensing systems for use in robotic applications.

Artifact 1

This artifact proves that I fulfilled this objective. This will be a paragraph describing the function of the artifact and how it meets the requirements of the objective.

This is a link to the github repo associated with artifact 1 A movie show artifact 1 in action
A youtube video for artifact 1

Artifact 2

This artifact proves that I fulfilled this objective. This will be a paragraph describing the function of the artifact and how it meets the requirements of the objective.

This is a link to the github repo associated with artifact 1 A movie show artifact 2 in action
A youtube video for artifact 2

4. Integrate transducers, actuators, feedback and other mechanical systems into robotic platforms.

Artifact 1

This artifact proves that I fulfilled this objective. This will be a paragraph describing the function of the artifact and how it meets the requirements of the objective.

This is a link to the github repo associated with artifact 1 A movie show artifact 1 in action
A youtube video for artifact 1

Artifact 2

This artifact proves that I fulfilled this objective. This will be a paragraph describing the function of the artifact and how it meets the requirements of the objective.

This is a link to the github repo associated with artifact 1 A movie show artifact 2 in action
A youtube video for artifact 2

5. Apply examples of human and autonomous control systems into robotic platforms.

Artifact 1

This artifact proves that I fulfilled this objective. This will be a paragraph describing the function of the artifact and how it meets the requirements of the objective.

This is a link to the github repo associated with artifact 1 A movie show artifact 1 in action
A youtube video for artifact 1

Artifact 2

This artifact proves that I fulfilled this objective. This will be a paragraph describing the function of the artifact and how it meets the requirements of the objective.

This is a link to the github repo associated with artifact 1 A movie show artifact 2 in action
A youtube video for artifact 2

6. Implement artificial intelligence and data systems into robotic platforms.

Artifact 1

This artifact proves that I fulfilled this objective. This will be a paragraph describing the function of the artifact and how it meets the requirements of the objective.

This is a link to the github repo associated with artifact 1 A movie show artifact 1 in action
A youtube video for artifact 1

Artifact 2

This artifact proves that I fulfilled this objective. This will be a paragraph describing the function of the artifact and how it meets the requirements of the objective.

This is a link to the github repo associated with artifact 1 A movie show artifact 2 in action
A youtube video for artifact 2

Artifact 3

This artifact proves that I fulfilled this objective. This will be a paragraph describing the function of the artifact and how it meets the requirements of the objective.

This is a link to the github repo associated with artifact 1 A movie show artifact 2 in action
A youtube video for artifact 2